14-May-18| 两岸青少年上海竞颂中华古诗词

来源: 新华社
2024-07-09 00:02:23







14-May-18: A Day of Reflection and Inspiration

On the 14th of May, 2018, a day that will forever be etched in my memory, I experienced a rollercoaster of emotions that brought both reflection and inspiration. The events of this day forced me to reassess my priorities, embrace new perspectives, and find hope in the face of adversity. In the following paragraphs, I will delve into the three significant moments that shaped my journey on this remarkable day.

Section 1: A Lesson in Empathy
As the sunlight peeked through my bedroom window, I rose from my bed with a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. Little did I know the profound impact it would have on me. As I made my way to school, I noticed a homeless individual huddled beneath a bridge, seeking shelter from the biting winds. His empty gaze and weathered clothes mirrored a life of hardship unimaginable to me. This encounter sparked an overwhelming surge of empathy within me.

Realizing how fortunate I was to have a secure roof over my head, a warm meal waiting at home, and access to education, I resolved to take action. I reached out to a local charity organization, intending to volunteer my time and resources to help those less fortunate. This encounter reminded me of the importance of compassion and the dire need for social change. It served as a wake-up call, urging me to be grateful for the blessings in my life and spread kindness wherever I could.

Section 2: Learning from Failure
The afternoon of the 14th of May proved to be a turning point in my academic journey. It was the day when I received my history exam results, and disappointment washed over me as I discovered that I had not achieved the grade I had hoped for. Initially, feelings of frustration and self-doubt threatened to consume me, but then I took a step back and reevaluated the situation. This setback was an opportunity for growth and learning.

I began by analyzing my mistakes, pinpointing the areas where I had fallen short. Armed with this knowledge, I sought guidance from my teacher to develop a study plan that would address my weaknesses. I was determined to turn this setback into a stepping stone towards success. This experience taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of failure. It served as a reminder that setbacks are not definitive but rather opportunities to learn and improve.

Section 3: Finding Inspiration in Others
The evening of the 14th of May introduced me to a remarkable individual who exuded resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Attending a local community event, I had the privilege of hearing an inspirational guest speaker share their personal journey. This courageous individual had overcome significant physical challenges and risen above societal expectations to achieve their dreams.

Their story resonated with me deeply, inspiring me to break free from the limitations I had placed upon myself. It reminded me that obstacles, no matter how insurmountable they may seem, can be overcome with the right mindset and determination. From that moment onward, I carried their words with me as a constant reminder that anything is possible if you believe in yourself.

The 14th of May, 2018, will forever remain a day etched in my heart and mind. It taught me the importance of empathy, the value of perseverance in the face of failure, and the power of inspiration. This momentous day caused a shift in my perspective, propelling me towards a path of personal growth, compassion, and unwavering belief in my capabilities. I am grateful for the experiences that shaped me on this day and continue to inspire me to reach new heights in all aspects of my life.
14-May-18: A Day of Celebration, Remembrance, and Reflection


On 14th May 2018, the world witnessed a diverse range of events and emotions. It was a day marked by celebrations, remembrance, and deep reflection. From spirited festivities to somber memorial services, this date became etched in history as a day that encapsulated the myriad facets of human experience.

Title 1: Celebrating Achievements and Milestones

The 14th of May 2018 began with jubilant celebrations around the globe. It marked a symbol of accomplishments and milestones achieved. In New York City, the streets were filled with fervor as graduates donned their caps and gowns, ready to embark on their next journeys. Families gathered, bursting with pride, to witness their loved ones crossing the stage to receive diplomas. The air was filled with applause and cheer, as the graduating class of 2018 embraced the possibilities that stretched before them.

Meanwhile, in another part of the world, the city of Cannes in France hosted the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. On this very day, filmmakers, actors, and film enthusiasts from around the world gathered to revel in the magic of cinema. Stars walked the red carpet in glamorous attire, and filmmakers showcased their creative masterpieces. The festival provided a platform for talent recognition, industry networking, and the showcasing of different cultures through the lens of the camera. As the vibrant energy of celebration permeated Cannes, it served as a reminder of the power of storytelling and the unifying force of art.

Title 2: Remembering Tragedies and Honoring Victims

Amidst the joyous celebrations, the 14th of May 2018 also prompted a somber remembrance of past tragedies. In Manchester, England, a memorial service was held to honor the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing, which had occurred exactly one year prior. The atmosphere was heavy with grief and solemnity as families, friends, and survivors gathered to pay tribute to the lives lost. The memorial featured speeches, musical performances, and a minute of silence, acting as a powerful reminder of the strength and unity demonstrated by the people in the face of adversity.

Simultaneously, in other parts of the world, similar acts of remembrance took place. In Hiroshima, Japan, thousands gathered to remember the victims of the atomic bomb, dropped in 1945 during World War II. The Peace Memorial Ceremony sought to promote peace and renew the commitment to ensure that such devastation is never repeated. Silent prayers, emotional speeches, and the releasing of paper cranes symbolized hope for a future free from nuclear warfare. The day served as a poignant reminder of the consequences of war and the importance of cherishing peace.

Title 3: Reflecting on Social and Environmental Issues

On the 14th of May 2018, society also took time to reflect on pressing social and environmental issues. Across various cities, protests and demonstrations were held to demand action on topics such as climate change, human rights, and equality. Activists and concerned citizens marched through streets, holding signs and chanting slogans, seeking to raise awareness and effect meaningful change. The day served as a reminder that individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or geographic locations, have the power to rally together for a common cause and bring about positive transformations in the world.


The 14th of May 2018 was a day that encapsulated the breadth of human experience. It showcased joyous celebrations of achievements, somber remembrances of past tragedies, and reflection on important societal and environmental issues. While this date may have differed vastly for individuals depending on their circumstances and locations, it served as a reminder of our shared humanity, showcasing the diverse range of emotions and events that shape our world. Ultimately, this day will be remembered as a testament to the strength, resilience, and unity of humankind.

  中新社上海7月7日电 (记者 陈静)以“传承中华经典古诗文——二十四节气”为主题的“山河美——两岸青少年诗词大会”展演7日在上海举行。600位两岸学生通过多种形式直抒胸臆。

  传统诗词朗诵《壮阔边塞,最美唐诗》,情景式演绎《诗意黄河万古流》,记录中国人对时间感知与敬意的《二十四节气奇遇记》,合唱《青花瓷》讲述传统文化传承,根据诗词“忙趁东风放纸鸢”意境改编的舞蹈《风筝》…… “山河美——两岸青少年诗词大会”活动于今年5月启动,近万名两岸青少年学生参与比赛。









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